Speed reading for PROSPERITY 2010

Speed reading for PROSPERITY 2010
with Jan Cisek and Susan Norman

New Year – new opportunities! Even in these times of financial turmoil, with the right tools you can make this your happiest year yet. Start 2010 off right by jump-starting your PROSPERITY!

We’re offering a special one-day course on achieving greater PROSPERITY in 2010. Application is restricted to people who have previously completed a PhotoReading/Speed Reading course. It gives you a unique opportunity to experience ‘group syntopic processing’ and synergistic collaborative learning from which, in just one day, we can all embody the wisdom from the top books to boost our prosperity and wealth.

DATE: 20th February 2010 (Saturday)
TIMES: 9.30am – 5.30pm
VENUE: North London

Pay online by with Secure Credit Card Payment Checkout with Google – click on this Google Checkout button below

1. Please print this form below
2. Send it with your payment (£102 payable to Speed Reading, there is no VAT) to
Jan Cisek / Speed Reading for Prosperity 2010
Office: 37 Park Hall Road, London N2 9PT

REGISTRATION FORM (please state which dates you would like to attend and PRINT if you’re sending it by post)

Speed reading for PROSPERITY 2010




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I enclose a cheque for £………………..(Payable to Speed Reading) or transfer the funds (the bank details on request)

If for any reason you are unable to attend the weekend please be aware that cancellations received in writing 10 days prior the seminar will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Regrettably it is not possible to offer refunds for cancellations, or no shows, received after that date.

How did you find out about our workshop? 
Web …. Google … Google Ads … Yahoo … Paul Scheele/Learning Strategies …

Personal recommendation … Other ………………………………………

Venue: London
Cost: £102 (pounds) This includes a free download of our new book (which has been entered to the Guinness Book of Records for having the longest subtitle!)

Payment by cheque payable to Speed Reading or if you prefer to transfer the funds please ask for my bank details. Lunch is not included but you are welcome to bring your own packed lunch to the venue.

Please bring any 4 books on the subject that you think are relevant to your prosperity. (Other people will also bring books you can look at – and we’ll have the ones we think are most helpful.)

Enquiries & bookings
Jan Cisek / PhotoReading
Office: 37 Park Hall Road, London N2 9PT
 079 5628 8574
T +44 20 8444 0339
Email jan.cisek@photoreading.co.uk



• Revision of the key techniques to revitalise your speed reading & photoreading skills

• Group syntopic reading and sharing of the relevant books on Prosperity (see book list below)

• Top tips gleaned from the world’s leading experts in prosperity

• Additional feng shui advice for making your home and working environment work for you

• Removing (physical, emotional, mental) blocks to prosperity this year

• Personalised program to create PROSPERITY in your business and in your life in 2010

• Free download of our new book (which has been entered to the Guinness Book of Records for having the longest subtitle!):

37 easy-to-use speed reading techniques all of which can be applied immediately to any reading material (books, reports, journals, manuals, textbooks, online texts, ebooks, etc) to help you read more, more quickly, and more effectively and efficiently, whether you be a professional, an entrepreneur, a student or teacher, a home educator, or simply interested in personal development and your own learning, in any subject you might study, (including business, medicine, law, IT, acting and languages), by teaching you, among other things, to utilise your learning intelligence, use your eyes more efficiently, how to focus on your purpose, take meaning from a minimal amount of input, find the hot spots of information you need, remember more and put it into practice, with the result that you will save time and money as you become more successful in business and life.

Please bring any 4 books on the subject that you think are relevant to your prosperity. (Other people will also bring books you can look at – and we’ll have the ones we think are most helpful.)

1. Book for the course – first come first served.
2. Formulate your goal – what does prosperity mean to you? What do you want to achieve this year?
3. Watch the free 1-minute sample of the ‘Visualiminals PROSPERITY Signatures Affirmations to program yourself for prosperity today.
4. Glance through the booklist below to start your thinking processes – and if you happen to be in a bookshop, preview any relevant books you find (3-5 mins per book).


Mostly taken from: 50 Prosperity Classics by Tom Butler-Bowdon

ATTRACT IT Master the inner game/mindset of wealth and abundance with books such as

James Allen The Path of Prosperity (1905)
Genevieve Behrend Your Invisible Power (1921)
Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
T. Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005)
Charles Fillmore Prosperity (1936)
Esther Hicks & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given (2004)
Napoleon Hill The Master-Key to Riches (1965)
Catherine Ponder Open Your Mind to Prosperity (1971)
John Randolph Price The Abundance Book (1987)
Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money (1988)
Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow (1987)
Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–5)

Richard Wiseman The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind (2004)
Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (2008)
Paul McKenna I can make you rich (2007)
Sharon Maxwell Magnus Think yourself rich (2003)
Heather Summers and Anne Watson The Book of luck (2004)
Jack Canfield The Success Principles (2005

CREATE IT Learn from the secrets and strategies of wealth creators such as
Robert G. Allen Multiple Streams of Income (2000)
P. T. Barnum The Art of Money Getting (1880)
Richard Branson Losing My Virginity (2002)
Felix Dennis How to Get Rich (2006)
Peter Drucker Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985)
Bill Gates (by James Wallace & Jim Erickson) Hard Drive (1992)
Michael E. Gerber The E-Myth Revisited (1995)
Conrad Hilton Be My Guest (1957)
Joe Karbo The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches (1973)
Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start (2004)
Paul Zane Pilzer God Wants You to Be Rich (1995)
Anita Roddick Business as Unusual (2000)
Howard Schultz Pour Your Heart into It (1997)
Donald Trump The Art of the Deal (1987)

MANAGE IT Discover the nuts and bolts of personal finance and investing such as
David Bach The Automatic Millionaire (2003)
John C. Bogle The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (2007)
Warren Buffett (edited by Lawrence Cunningham) The Essays of Warren Buffett (1997)
Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin Your Money or Your Life (1992)
Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor (1949)
Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant (1998)
Peter Lynch One Up on Wall Street (1989)
Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred Investing in Real Estate (2005)
Jerrold Mundis How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (1988)
William Nickerson How I Turned $1,000 into Three Million in Real Estate – in My Spare Time (1969)
Suze Orman Women and Money (2007)
Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Revisited (2003)
Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko The Millionaire Next Door (1996)

SHARE IT Understand the flow of wealth and how to give something back with
Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1889)
Chuck Feeney (by Conor O’Clery) The Billionaire Who Wasn’t (2007)
Joel T. Fleishman The Foundation (2007)
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, & L. Hunter Lovins Natural Capitalism (2000)
Lynne Twist The Soul of Money (2003)
Muhammad Yunus Banker to the Poor (1999)

And further books on the subject:
1 William Bernstein The Four Pillars of Investing (2002)
Acclaimed as the best modern guide to stock investing. Pillars include knowing something about market history, and appreciating that investing is about psychology.

2 Victor Boc How To Solve All Your Money Problems Forever (1997)
Mail-order volume in the tradition of Joe Karbo that nevertheless provides a powerful wealth recipe based on affirmations and “glad giving.”

3 Eric Butterworth Spiritual Economics (1998)
Clear explanation of New Thought prosperity principles, used in many church reading groups.

4 Ron Chernow Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Snr (2004)
Unsurpassed biography of the man who amassed more wealth than any American prior to Bill Gates, and how he gave it away.

5 David Chilton The Wealthy Barber (1998)
Popular fable explaining the basics of personal finance. Asserts that readers can become well-off even on a normal wage. Similar ideas to Bach’s The Automatic Millionaire.

6 Deepak Chopra Creating Affluence (1998)
A–Z guide to manifesting wealth through awareness of quantum physics and spiritual principles.

7 Yvon Chouinard Let My People Go Surfing (2006)
The founder of the Patagonia outdoor products company shows how being green and good to your workers can be pillars in building a great company.

8 Paul Collier The Bottom Billion (2007)
The world has never been richer, so why are there still a billion desperately poor people? An Oxford professor’s look at why civil war, dependence on natural resources, and corruption continue to hold back prosperity in the poorest countries—and what to do about it.

9 Robert Collier Riches Within Your Reach (1947)
Originally titled The Law of the Higher Potential, former advertising man’s application of metaphysical ideas to the process of wealth creation.

10 Christine Comaford-Lynch Rules for Renegades (2007)
Entrepreneur, software engineer, and former Buddhist monk provides powerful tips for business and life success revolving around confidence in yourself to make a difference.

11 Nicholas Darvas How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market (1960)
Amusing and still popular account of the development of a successful stockpicking system, written while the author traveled the world in a ballroom dancing troupe.

12 Lee Eisenberg The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your Life (2006)
Addresses the question of working out how much you need to have a comfortable retirement. Lacks practical advice, more a philosophical journey about your goals and priorities.

13 Tim Ferris The 4-Hour Workweek (2007)
Manifesto for getting out of the 9–5 trap, creating self-managing businesses that allow you to travel and work from anywhere. Has attracted plenty of criticism, but provides many practical tips.

14 Marc Fisher The Instant Millionaire (1993)
Enjoyable, powerful fable on the power of goals and self-belief in realizing abundance.

15 Philip A. Fisher Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (1996)
A strong influence on Warren Buffett, Fisher shows why it is better to pay more for a great, growing company than seek to find undervalued companies that may never be great.

16 Edwene Gaines The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity (2005)
In the spirit of Catherine Ponder and Charles Fillmore, Gaines points to tithing, setting goals, forgiveness, and finding your life purpose as the ways to prosperity.

17 Shakti Gawain Creating True Prosperity (1997)
The author of Creative Visualization dissects the connection between money and happiness, urging readers to identify their deepest longings rather than simply trying to earn more.

18 Charles J. Givens More Wealth Without Risk (1995)
The “Dale Carnegie of investing” died in 1997 but his work is still popular. Readers who followed his contrarian approach would have emerged unscathed from the crash of 2000.

19 Joel Greenblatt The Little Book that Beats the Market (2005)
Successful hedge fund manager and professor’s “magic formula” for investing based on the view that stocks are worth only what they consistently return to the investor.

20 Rita Gunther McGrath & Ian McMillan The Entrepreneurial Mindset (2000)
Best book on creating new value in companies by focusing on the customer, in the style of Peter Drucker.

21 Charles F. Haanel The Master Key System (1917)
Businessman’s metaphysical foray into the relationship between thoughts and reality. Rumor has it that the book inspired Bill Gates to leave Harvard to start Microsoft.

22 Friedrich von Hayek The Road to Serfdom (1944)
Written while the Second World War was still raging, far-sighted analysis of the evils of central planning and totalitarianism. A big influence on promoters of political liberty and free markets, including Milton Friedman.

23 James Hughes Family Wealth (2004)
Self-published title that became a bestseller thanks to insightful advice to families who have made money and want to avoid the syndrome of “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”

24 George Kinder Seven Stages of Money Maturity (2000)
Profound but practical insights into the psychology of money by a top financial planner. Has helped many reconsider their financial attitudes and become prosperous.

25 Ray Kroc Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s (1977)
Entrepreneurial classic telling how a 52-year-old milkshake salesman created one of the iconic companies of our times.

26 Edwin Lefevre Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (1935)
Fictionalized biography of Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest stock-market traders, focusing on crowd psychology and timing.

27 Rieva Lesonsky Start Your Own Business (2007)
Now in its fourth edition, bestselling start-up title covering 800 pages, from the editor of Entrepreneur magazine.

28 Michael Losier Law of Attraction (2003)
Outlines principles found in Ask and It Is Given and The Secret, but goes into detail on the mechanics of manifesting desires.

29 Burton G. Malkiel A Random Walk Down Wall Street: A Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (2007, 9th edn)
Princeton economics professor’s million-selling title on where to invest, read by novices and professionals alike.

30 Kevin Maney The Maverick and his Machine: Thomas Watson Snr and the Making of IBM (2004)
Riveting biography of Watson and his creation of the first real information-age corporation.

31 David McClelland The Achieving Society (1961)
Harvard psychologist’s intriguing insights into the “achievement motive” that drives entrepreneurs.

32 Joseph Murphy Your Infinite Power to Be Rich (1966)
The author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind turns his mind to prosperity. Many great insights.

33 John Nathan Sony: The Private Life (2001)
Fascinating account of the founders of the Sony Corporation, who saw only opportunity amid the ashes of Japan’s Second World War defeat, and their ethos of being different to succeed.

34 Jacob Needleman Money and the Meaning of Life (1991)
Philosopher’s learned exploration of the idea that money is not just a means of exchange but that its pursuit allows for the fulfillment of human potential.

35 Maria Nemeth The Energy of Money (2000)
Psychologist’s exploration of our deep beliefs and habits about financial matters, and how seeing money as a form of energy can set us free.

36 Michael Phillips The Seven Laws of Money (1974)
A “hippie capitalist” shows how money flows to those who “do the right thing” and respect its objective rules and laws.

37 Daniel Pink Free Agent Nation (2002)
Explores the rise of millions of “free agents” who wish to take control of their work destiny and become prosperous without a corporate crutch.

38 C. K. Prahalad The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits (2004)
Using practical free-market techniques, not government, to raise living standards worldwide.

39 Joseph Schumpeter Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942)
Introduced the concept of “creative destruction,” in which innovation shakes up established economies. The entrepreneur is the driving force in this process.

40 Steven S. Scott The Richest Man Who Ever Lived (2006)
Drawn from the example of King Solomon’s life and the wisdom contained in the book of Proverbs, provides a storehouse of guidance for achieving wealth and happiness.

41 George Soros Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve (1995)
Philosophy and trading strategies from one of the great investors of our time.

42 John P. Speller Seed Money in Action: Working the Law of Tenfold Return (1964)
Presents the idea that any money given away always comes back to the giver tenfold, and that giving is itself is a reliable path to wealth.

43 Barbara Stanny Secrets of Six-Figure Women (2004)
Based on interviews with 150 women who earn over $100,000 per year; inspiring tips for how to break out of the pattern of “underearning.”

44 Richard Templar The Rules of Wealth (2006)
British businessman’s 100 rules for prosperity. Not a recipe for overnight riches, it instead advocates hard work, self-knowledge, and copying the mindset of the wealthy.

45 Andrew Tobias The Only Investing Guide You’ll Ever Need (2005, updated edn)
A perennial that provides solid advice on all aspects of personal finance and investing.

46 Elizabeth Towne How to Grow Success (1904)
Money is not success, but success includes the ability to command money.

47 Joe Vitale The Attractor Factor (2005)
Marketing guru’s popular interpretation of the law of attraction, combining metaphysics with many practical tips.

48 William Walker Thought Vibration, or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World (1906)
New Thought classic comparing the law of attraction to the law of gravity. Influenced later prosperity writers.

49 Stuart Wilde The Trick to Money Is Having Some (1995)
In a lighthearted style, Wilde provides many spiritual and practical tips for bringing more money into your life, such as being thankful for even the smallest amounts you receive or find.

50 Bruce Wilkinson The Prayer of Jabez (2000)
American pastor’s mega-selling revelation of an obscure passage from the Bible. If uttered daily, the “Jabez prayer” promises prosperity, “enlarged territories,” and divine protection.

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